The Value of Ownership at Schooner Cove

Discover a different kind of home ownership. When you own a Schooner Cove apartment, you let go of daily maintenance and chores and take on an invested role in a vibrant community. While we return 92% of the sale price of your apartment when you sell, the value of Schooner Cove services and experiences make ownership an investment that truly pays off.

Your monthly fee provides you:

  • Professional On-Site Management The executive director manages the daily operations of Schooner Cove and ensures that resident’s needs are met promptly and professionally.
  • Dining Services Imagine having a standing reservation at one of Damariscotta’s most stunning restaurants! Evening meals are prepared by our professional chef using fresh local produce and seafood.
  • Housekeeping Apartments are thoroughly cleaned each week by dedicated housekeeping staff at the time most convenient for you. We take special requests, and trash is picked up daily.
  • Maintenance and Repair All buildings, equipment, appliances and fixtures receive regular repair and maintenance. Our landscapers mow, trim, tend plants and shrubs and remove snow and ice.
  • Health Care and Wellness Services Schooner Cove’s convenient location on the Miles campus gives residents easy access to all health care services, including physicians’ offices, Miles & St. Andrews Home Health and the LincolnHealth hospital.  Additionally, Schooner Cove residents also enjoy:
    • Personalized  Wellness Program An orientation into the Lincoln County Heathcare system with blood pressure checks, cholesterol monitoring, regular exercise classes, medication management and an annual flu clinic. A foot clinic and massage therapy are available next door at Chase Point Assisted Living.
    • Emergency Alarms in every apartment are connected to the local ambulance service.
  • Reserve Fund The Reserve Fund pays for the replacement and repair of Schooner Cove’s facilities and equipment. Our board-approved, long-term capital budget plan allows monthly allocations for improvements.
  • Security Schooner Cove has a secure entry system. Fire alarms and smoke alarms are located in all residences. Security checks of your residence while you are away can be requested. A backup power system services the facility during power outages, and Schooner Cove receives nightly checks from the 24-hour security detail at Miles Health Care.
  • Utilities Heating and lighting for all common areas and fuel oil for individual apartments is provided, as are all water and sewage costs. Electricity within each apartment is metered and paid by its resident(s).
  • Insurance Property insurance, professional liability for Schooner Cove buildings and workers’ compensation for employees are covered. (This does not include liabilitly of residents and their property located within apartments.) As a resident of Schooner Cove, you have access to the Schooner Cove Long Term Care Insurance program.
  • Pro-rata Share of Real Estate Taxes The real estate taxes for Schooner Cove are divided among all residents and documented in an individual statement. Payments are eligible for tax credit.

Ready to run some numbers? Use the cost calculator, and call us at (207) 563-5523 for a personalized estimate today.